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University of the Philippines


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  • In years past, the University of the Philippines was the incubator for young leaders of the nation's violent Islamist and Communist revolts.

    Pardoning the Mutineers Brett M. Decker 2008

  • Ms. Comerford, 47, attended the food-technology program at the University of the Philippines.

    Cooking for the Commander in Chief Elizabeth Williamson 2011

  • Some commentators, such as Julkipli Wadi, Islamic studies professor at the University of the Philippines argue that if the U.S. military remains in the Philippines after Abu Sayyaf threat recedes, it could provoke fresh insurgencies.

    A Better Scorecard in Southeast Asia James Hookway 2011

  • "Participation of citizens, for example, was enshrined in the constitution in 1986, however, the quality and the substantive participation of people in the decision-making in the processes of our governance have remained problematic," said Edna Co, dean of the College of Public Administration at the University of the Philippines.

    The Philippines Celebrates 25 Years of Democracy 2011

  • "Participation of citizens, for example, was enshrined in the constitution in 1986, however, the quality and the substantive participation of people in the decision-making in the processes of our governance have remained problematic," said Edna Co, dean of the College of Public Administration at the University of the Philippines.

    The Philippines Celebrates 25 Years of Democracy 2011

  • Dr Sylvia Estrada-Claudio, director of the Centre for Women's Studies at the University of the Philippines, goes further, saying that in the long term, private healthcare services might actually be detrimental.

    Smaller families planned 2011

  • Francis Byrne S.J., the first American Ateneo rector, informed his superiors at the New York-Maryland Province that the American administrators of the University of the Philippines sought to correct entries in Fr.

    Two Links On Books And Reading 2010

  • Burniol was a Spanish Jesuit who taught history at the Ateneo in 1908 to be exact that was the year the University of the Philippines was founded and fills in gaps in our history.

    Two Links On Books And Reading 2010

  • Burniol was a Spanish Jesuit who taught history at the Ateneo in 1908 to be exact that was the year the University of the Philippines was founded and fills in gaps in our history.

    Archive 2010-01-01 2010

  • SULLIVAN: And thats the problem, says political scientist Carlita Carlos of the University of the Philippines.

    Family Dynasties Rule Philippine Elections 2010


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